The Roman Empire — One of the Greatest Empires in History

There were many empires in history, Roman Empire, however, was the greatest and the strongest of all.

5 min readJan 18, 2022
The Roman Forum in Rome | Photo Credits: Telegraph

Roman Empire has a significant history, recalled for centuries and known for its strength and hold. From the journey of it being a republic to the onset of the Roman Empire, history is diverse and holds importance for many even today. How did such a mighty empire come into being? What made it so strong? What caused its decline? These are the few questions we aim to answer in this article.

The History of Ancient Rome

Photo Credits: Britannica

Ancient Rome was a great empire that stretched over two million square miles. The empire was built on the shores of the Rhine River and the Caspian sea. From the beginning, the most significant thing about Rome was its strong army with advanced war tactics and training techniques.

During the 8th century BC, Rome grew up from a small town of Central Italy into a whole progressing Empire which not only encompassed most of Continental Europe but also the greatest countries of all time. Rome came into being in…




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