History of Capital Punishment

6 min readNov 18, 2021

A brutal series of execution methods dating back to ancient civilizations

Execution Methods of Capital Punishment | Photo Credits: Vector Stock

As socio-political circumstances and religions evolve through the centuries, so does the concept of morality. One of the most popular ways to instill morality in the citizens is to establish a deterrent that prevents people from committing those crimes. In other words, to maintain order as determined by the monarchy and governments.

What is Capital Punishment?

Capital Punishment which is also known as “the death penalty” in the 21st century, is usually looked down upon by liberal democratic countries. However, this wasn’t always the case. Capital punishments can be dated back to the 7th Century B.C. in ancient Greece and Rome. In addition, religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have also condoned this practice as said in Genesis 9:6,

“Whosoever sheddeth man’s blood, by man, shall his blood be shed” (Genesis 9:6)

Arbitrary Morality

This form of Punishment was to maintain the social order and was used for serious criminal offenses such as murder, rape, terrorism, genocide, and war crimes. However, morality has often been arbitrary, where a cultural practice in a particular geographical space might be viewed as a crime in the other.




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